Gifts covered in colorful wrapping paper on top of a table with a string of twinkling lights
Category: News

Title: A Season of Reflection: 2023 Graduate School Stories That Inspired

Author: By Jessica Marr
Date Published: December 13, 2023

The end of the year is a time for reflection, expressing gratitude for all that has passed and embracing the excitement to come in the new year ahead. There’s a certain magic in the air – nostalgia and anticipation for quality time with friends, family and loved ones. 

As students finish final exams and head into winter break, we invite you to pause and look back with us on the stories that made 2023 special, like celebrating graduate students’ accomplishments and welcoming a new class, honoring three doctoral students selected for a prestigious dissertation award, recognizing faculty for breakthrough research awards and hosting a conference imagining the future of the humanities in higher education on the Hilltop.

Looked at together, they demonstrate the diversity of our graduate Hoya community and how we can find strength and hope within our differences to come together and create change.

Embracing Diversity

Embracing diversity means celebrating our multifaceted identities, differences and coming to a better understanding of one other. The Graduate School is dedicated to supporting students to be their authentic selves. Wrapping up 2023, we invite you to learn more about your peers from these features.

Scholarly Achievements Shine Bright

This year was one of outstanding achievements for our Hoya community. These distinguished individuals were recognized for their multidisciplinary research and academic work as people for others. Congratulations to all our scholars!

Faculty Research Revelations

The Hoya community always sets out to achieve great things. This year, the Graduate School’s faculty members received various awards for their groundbreaking scholarly work and milestone achievements.

Hoyas Who Inspired

Students and faculty at the Graduate School impress us daily. During this season of reflection, explore the stories that inspired us the most to ignite and achieve your 2024 new year’s goals.

As we wrap up 2023, we wish you and yours a wonderful winter break and hope you find peace and solace during the holidays!

Rooftop view from Healy Hall looking out to Healy Circle, Georgetown and Washington, DC, covered in snow