
48 Articles

Graduate Fellowships and Awards

GradGov-GSAS Research Grant: Student Highlights

GradGov and the Graduate School are pleased to support the research and professional development of graduate students through the GradGov-GSAS Research Grant (GGRG), formerly…

January 24, 2022


Georgetown Masters Program in Educational Transformation Awarded $2.6M from U.S. Department of Education

Georgetown’s Graduate School of Arts & Sciences announces that Project ELEECT, a proposal by the Program in Educational Transformation (MAET), has been awarded a .6, …

November 15, 2021

Graduate Fellowships and Awards

Interview with Shawn Rhoads, Recipient of the Mistletoe Research Fellowship

Meet Shawn Rhoads, a recipient of the Mistletoe Research.…

December 3, 2020