The Graduate School is pleased to support the professional development of graduate students by providing Conference Travel Grants to both master’s and doctoral students on the Main Campus and at the Medical Center.
These grants may be used toward travel and other expenses associated with participation in a professional meeting, and may be requested in advance or retroactive one semester.
Number of Awards Available: Approximately 70, depending on individual award amounts
Maximum Award: $500
- Doctoral and master’s students only
- Student must have received an official invitation to present a paper or poster, or to participate in a panel discussion at the conference indicated
- Support is only for travel to major academic conferences, excluding graduate student-organized conferences
- One conference travel award per student, per academic year
Competitions open on the first day of classes each semester and close on the following dates:
- Fall 2024: 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 11, 2024
- Spring 2025: 11:59 p.m. on Friday, January 17, 2025
Required Application Materials
- Online Application
- Official invitation to participate in the conference (e.g., letter of invitation, web page with student’s name as a participant)
- One-page statement of travel plans and relevance to thesis or dissertation completion
- Travel budget of projected costs or incurred costs if retroactive
- Department funding statement on travel support, if any, that will be provided to help defray the cost of attendance
The completed application must be submitted electronically by the relevant competition deadlines.
Review & Award
Completed applications received by each deadline will be reviewed by a committee consisting of two to three members of the Graduate Research Steering Committee and the Associate Director of Graduate Fellowships and Awards.
Decisions will be emailed to each applicant’s Georgetown email address. Awards will be processed through Accounts Payable and paid directly to recipients in accordance with university policies.
For more information, please email elizabeth.george@georgetown.edu.