
4 Articles


Ever Experienced Math Anxiety? This Doctoral Student is Looking Into the Problem.

Cynthia Fioriti (G'23), an MPP/Ph.D. student, researches math anxiety and presented findings at a conference in Belgium and DC this.…

August 29, 2024


What One Doctoral Student Hopes to Uncover About the Influence of a Major 17th-Century Muslim Thinker in Southeast Asia

Halim Khoiri, a Ph.D. student in Arabic & Islamic Studies, presented research at summer conference in Amsterdam on 17C SE Asian Muslim.…

August 20, 2024


Georgetown Doctoral Student Jackson Wolf on Summer Job Teaching Neurodivergent Students Reading Skills

Jackson Wolf, a theoretical linguistics Ph.D. student, spent the summer teaching neurodivergent students reading.…

August 6, 2024


Georgetown Grad Student Hannah Kim on Summer Internship at Environmental Protection Agency in DC

Hannah Kim (G'25), a grad student in Environmental Metrology & Policy, interned with EPA this summer and shares her. …

July 30, 2024