Note: The forms for the submission of theses are also available on the Academic Forms page for reference. As of April 2020, most departments are using DocuSign for the forms linked below. Check with your program.
Important Notes for Dissertation, Doctoral Project and Thesis Writers
- If your research involves human subjects, obtain approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before beginning the process outlined below.
- Information is available in Section IV.B.2 Research on Human Subjects of the Graduate Bulletin (from the Resources and Policies page ).
- Additional information and forms are available on the IRB website. Your IRB approval number must be included on the Thesis or Dissertation Proposal Form
- Consult the Dissertation, Doctoral Project and Thesis Formatting Requirements before beginning your thesis or dissertation.
- Download a template (below) to assist with formatting your work. The templates are unlocked and can be edited
- More information about the requirements for dissertations, doctoral projects and theses can be found in the V.B. Publication of Theses, Doctoral Projects, and Dissertations in the Graduate Bulletin
Download a Template
Windows PC
- The combined Master’s Thesis / Doctoral Project / Doctoral Dissertation Template for MS-Word for Windows is available at: Thesis/Project/Dissertation Template-PC
- The Master’s Thesis Template for Word for Mac is available at: Thesis Template-MAC
- The Doctoral Template for Word for Mac is available at Dissertation Template-MAC
- If you use the LaTeX markup language, you can download a ZIP file folder containing several template and style documents, as well as an extensive tutorial manual, at this link: Thesis/Dissertation Template-LaTeX.
The LaTeX template handles many issues, but not all. Be sure your document addresses these items:
- The Abstract page must not be included in the Table of Contents
- All figures, tables and equations must fit within the regular page margins.
- Figure numbers and titles must appear UNDER the figures.
- Table numbers and titles must appear ABOVE the tables.
- Capitalization is not controlled in headings and subheadings.
- Even though subheadings appear in SMALL CAPS, capitalization still matters.
- All subheadings at each level and across chapters must be capitalized in the same way.
- Don’t use the PDF converter on the ProQuest site
LaTeX users please note: These LaTeX template materials are provided for the use of those who are already proficient in the use of LaTeX. Neither the Graduate School nor the faculty who helped develop this template are able to provide support or training in the use of this specialty software.
Submission of the Thesis, Doctoral Project or Dissertation
Information on the steps and forms required leading up to a defense and also afterward appear on Submission of Thesis and Submission of Dissertation or Doctoral Project pages.