All master’s students who are required or have chosen to write a thesis must follow the steps outlined below. As of April 2020, many departments are using DocuSign for the forms linked below. You may want to check with your department.

Thesis Proposal Filing Anchor

Thesis Proposal Filing

  1. File a Thesis Proposal using the Thesis, Doctoral Project or Dissertation Proposal Form (MS Word).
  2. If required, ensure that you have an IRB approval number. Consult the IRB website for additional information and forms. This form must be signed and approved by your advisor, committee and Director of Graduate Studies.
  3. After the form is fully completed with all signatures, submit it to the Academic Affairs team in the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office.
  4. Once your proposal has been approved by your advisor, committee and Director of Graduate Studies, you may proceed with writing your thesis.
  5. Some programs require master’s students to defend their theses, while others do not. Follow your program’s policies and procedures for defending and/or submitting your thesis.
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Formatting Requirements Anchor

Formatting Requirements

  1. You should also consult the Guidelines for Dissertation, Doctoral Project and Thesis Writers formatting requirements before beginning your thesis.
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Pre-Defense Forms Anchor

Pre-Defense Forms

  1. If your program includes a defense, check with your administrative contact on whether you should submit a Master’s Thesis Reviewers Report (PDF) signed by your committee and advisor to
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Post-Defense Forms Anchor

Post-Defense Forms

  1. After you have defended and/or submitted your thesis and it has been accepted by your committee, submit the Cover Sheet (MS Word) (PDF) with all the appropriate signatures to Graduate School of Arts and Sciences’ Academic Affairs team in the Car Barn or
  2. Send a completed Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Release Form (MS Word) (PDF) to
  3. Create a profile on the ProQuest site and upload the PDF of your thesis, so that the Graduate School can begin formatting review. The deadlines for this initial upload are:
    • April 19, 2024 for spring graduation
    • August 19, 2024 for summer graduation
    • December 11, 2023 for fall graduation
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ProQuest Profile Anchor

ProQuest Profile

  1. Create a profile and upload the PDF of your dissertation or doctoral project to the ProQuest site for formatting review by the Graduate School. The Library has information about uploading Dissertations, Doctoral Projects, and Theses into ProQuest.
  2. You will receive an email from detailing the required formatting edits: there will likely be more than one round of edits. Complete the edits and upload the new version of the PDF to ProQuest. The best approach to streamlining the review process is to read the formatting requirements and modify your document accordingly before uploading it.
  3. These edits must be completed and the thesis accepted by the Graduate School by the following dates for each graduation month. If it is not accepted, your thesis will not be approved and you will not be eligible to graduate in that month.
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Deadlines Anchor


Deadline dates for each graduation term:

  • May 2024: The initial deadline to upload your thesis is April 19, 2024. The PDF of your thesis must be accepted by the Graduate School by close of business on May 1, 2024.
  • August 2024: The deadline to upload your thesis to the ProQuest site is August 19, 2024. PDFs uploaded after this date cannot be guaranteed to be reviewed and accepted in time for August graduation. All above steps must be completed and your thesis accepted by the Graduate School by close of business on August 23, 2024.
  • December 2023: The deadline to upload your thesis to the ProQuest site is December 11, 2023. PDFs uploaded after this date cannot be guaranteed to be reviewed and accepted in time for December graduation. All above steps must be completed and your thesis accepted by the Graduate School by close of business on December 15, 2023.
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