2024 Graduate Student Awards

The 2024 Graduate Student Awards Ceremony was held on Monday, April 29, 2024 in Gaston Hall.

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners!

Spirit of Georgetown

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Outstanding Innovation by Faculty & Staff to Graduate and Professional Student Life

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Distinguished Staff Award

2023-24 Winner:

2023-24 Nominees:

Gerald M. Mara Faculty Mentoring Award

2023-24 Winner:

2023-24 Nominees:

Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Graduate Student Teaching Award

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Exceptional Master’s Student Award

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Dr. Karen Gale Exceptional Ph.D. Student Award

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Graduate Global Citizen Award

2023-24 Winner:

2023-24 Nominees:

Cura Personalis Award

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Outstanding Graduate Student Organization Award

2023-24 Winner:

2023-24 Nominees:

Outstanding Student Leader in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Service Award

2023-24 Winners:

2023-24 Nominees:

Outstanding Student Leader in a Graduate Student Organization Award

2023-24 Winner:

2023-24 Nominees:

Three Minute Thesis

2023-24 Winners:



Please contact gradteachingawards@georgetown.edu with any questions about the awards or the nomination process.